BodyWeight Exercises


We are becoming big fans of bodyweight exercises. We have always tried our best to recommend things that are simple and inexpensive to do. One of those things are bodyweight exercises. By this time in February, most people are starting to quit their health and exercise goals.

But what if your exercises was simple and fun? Body weight exercises are the solution. They are convenient as you don’t need expensive equipment and a gym membership. You can do them in your living room, in your basement, or outside.

Body weight exercises are efficient. It’s easy to transition from one exercise to another exercise as the act of changing equipment doesn’t get in the way. Also, with body weight exercises, you mostly use compound movements and activate large muscle groups as opposed to workouts that isolate certain muscles.

As a guide to learning some body weight exercises, there are many apps for your smart phone or ipad that can help. The Nike Training App and FitOn App are great tools. They are not exclusively designed for body weight exercises, but they have a few bodyweight exercise routines that you can do.

Another great resource comes from They have come up with a comprehensive guide of “50 Best Bodyweight Exercises”. Here’s the link to their resource: 50 Best Bodyweight Exercises For Every Part Of The Body (+5 Bodyweight Workout Routines) - Sport Fitness Advisor (

We hope that this helps you on your journey to health! Keep moving!

Charles Maldonado